The Movement Toward Equity in Education for All Learners
April 21, 2023 • Heritage Center of Brooklyn Center
6155 Earle Brown Dr., Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2023





8:00 – 8:15 AM


RRM’s Special Education Team

8:15 – 9:30 AM

Keynote Address
The Influence of Technology on Language, Learning, and Communication for Students with Developmental Disabilities

Dr. Howard Shane

The Influence of Technology on Language, Learning, and Communication for Students with Developmental Disabilities

The Influence of Technology on Language, Learning, and Communication for Students with Developmental Disabilities
Presenter: Howard C. Shane, Ph.D.
We will trace the application of technology in special education from institutions to inclusive classrooms with particular focus on communication technology. Many contemporary technologies such as augmented reality and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be described as they apply to educating children with significant communication disorders.

Howard C. Shane, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Otology & Otolaryngology at the Harvard Medical School and the former Director of the Center for Communication Enhancement and the Autism Language Program at Boston Children’s Hospital. He estimates he has treated over 10,000 children with severe communication disorders. He has designed more than a dozen computer applications used widely by persons with disabilities and holds two U.S. patents. Dr. Shane has received Honors of the Association Distinction and is a fellow of the American Speech and Hearing Association. He is the 2019 recipient of the Frank R. Kleffner Lifetime Clinical Career Award. Dr. Shane received the Goldenson Award for Innovations in Technology from the United Cerebral Palsy Association and has authored numerous papers and chapters on severe speech impairment, lectured throughout the world on the topic, and produced numerous computer-based innovations enjoyed by persons with complex communication disorders.

9:30 – 9:45 AM

Break & Book Share: Bring a Book & Pick Up One From a Colleague
Also, volumes by our keynote speakers over the years & our book,
Section 504: Practical Applications, will be available for sale.

9:45 – 10:45 AM

The Year in Review: The Cases You Need to Know This Year

Laura Tubbs Booth, J.D. & Christian R. Shafer, J.D.

10:45 – 11:45 AM

When Due Processes Collide: The Intersection of Special Education Law & Sexual Harassment Complaints Under Title IX

Frank E. Langan, J.D.

Decision Makers in Special Education: Handling Tough Guardianship Issues

Elizabeth M. Meske, J.D.

Who’s at the Table? Proactive Strategies to Increase Parent Engagement and Collaboration

Cecelia Dodge, Ed.S.

11:45 – 12:45 PM

Chair Massage Available Now Until 3:00 PM

12:45  – 1:45 PM

Employment Law for Special Education Leaders

Christian R. Shafer, J.D.& Mary M. Haasl, J.D.

Non-Public Students: Obligations in Minnesota-Home Schools, Private Schools, Not a School, Part-Time, and the Variations in Between

Laura Tubbs Booth, J.D. & Kaylynn A. Johnson, J.D.

Navigating Requests for Outside Therapy: Teletherapy, ABA and What’s FAPE Got to Do With It?

Adam J. Frudden, J.D.

1:50 – 2:45 PM

No Room at the Inn: Strategies for Placement When Restrictive Placements Are Full

Laura Tubbs Booth, J.D.

Reading 101: Lessons in Dyslexia

Adam J. Frudden, J.D.

Discipline: What’s Legal, When, & What’s Best Practice?

Elizabeth M. Meske, J.D.

2:45 – 3:00 PM

Mid-Afternoon Snack & Refreshments

3:00 – 3:30 PM

Reframing Mental Health to Emphasize Mastery: A Compatibility Match with Schools

Reframing Mental Health to Emphasize Mastery: A Compatibility Match with Schools
Presenter: Anne Gearity, Ph.D.
Likely a lingering effect of COVID, although the trend was already evident, students are reporting increased experiences of depression and anxiety – and social stressors because of these mental health maladies. In this closing keynote address, we will reconsider the idea of mastery – helping students feel able to have agency in their lives – as an antidote to these out-of control feelings. “Learning can make you feel better” is expanded upon; with more awareness of individual learning styles and shifting emphasis on critical thinking (vs. knowledge acquisition). Mastery becomes an essential tool to stay active, engaged, and self-confident, and changes the way adults can engage with students.

Anne Gearity, PhD, has joyfully collaborated with educators for decades, hoping to bridge learning and well-being for students and staff. She is a mental health provider, working with children, adolescents, adults and families. In addition, she has consulted to numerous school districts and mental health agencies, focusing primarily on development, stress and trauma, and changing intervention models to support positive experiences. She is currently a faculty member in the UMN Department of Psychiatry, teaching new child psychiatrists. In collaboration with Washburn Center for Children, she authored Developmental Repair, a manual for intervention with highly stressed young children that has been adopted and applied in many settings.

3:30 – 3:45 PM

Closing Comments
Evaluations and Drawing for 2024